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* Yawn *

The store bells chimed as M/n walked through the sliding doors, fixing his earbud with one hand while holding his phone in the other.

After taking a few steps forward he quickly pivoted on his heel and made his way toward the snack aisle without a care in the world.

Wasting no time he quickly snagged it from the shelf and made his way to the cashier.

"Um, will this be all?"

M/n humed in response as he continued to fiddle with whatever he was doing on his phone.

". ok. That will be-"

M/n handed the exact amount to the cashier, taking his f/s before cashier could continue his sentence,
"Thanks. I don't need a receipt."
He said, waving his snack around.

Suddenly, he felt his head jolt to the side.

M/n's head swerved to the left in response to nothing blasting in his ear.
" who-Zoe ? " He asked, pulling down his hoodie to reveal his disheveled hair.

An angry Zoe stood in front of him with her arms crossed, she had reached over the counter and pulled one of M/n's ear buds off.
"Are you ignoring us?"


"What's on your phone that's so important that you can't say 'hi'?" she asked with pure annoyance written in her voice, while mini Daniel awkwardly stood in the background.

"Um. . "
M/n glanced down at his phone to see [You Lost!] glowing brightly on his screen.
He sighed, softly shaking his head while stuffing his phone back in his pocket, "Sorry. . -"

The door bells chimed once again as Duke and Jiho entered.

Duke headed straight to mini Daniel, looking for someone to back him up on what he had previously said to Jiho.

" 'Betting' ? "
Daniel asked, confused about the sudden subject.
"What's that?"

"It's illegal gambling. Do something to stop Jiho, he keeps going around getting robbed."

"No way! It's a oan! He's paying up today!" Jiho retorted

"Oh I know about that!"
Zoe exclaimed, ready to share her knowledge.
"If you guess the game score you win, right?"

Duke: "No, that is legal sports betting. There is a range of illegal betting games."

Zoe: "Oh, that was on the news because celebs are into it too, right?"

Duke: "Yeah, It's super trendy among teens too."

The two conversed, while Jiho relentlessly screamed in the background in hopes of convincing them in seeing the good in his new found friend.


M/n huffed at the feeling of his phone vibrating against his thigh. He slowly shifted his body away from the group, and continued to mindlessly type messages to the other.

???: [So you coming or what?]

M/n: [Sorry, who are you again?]

???: [...]

M/n: [I forgot to add you to my contact list. So your name doesn't show up.]

???: [Does it matter?
You'll know when you come.]

M/n: [It does matter. What happens if I'm talking to a murder without knowing?]

???: [I'm not a murderer. And why didn't you ask in the first place?]

M/n: [Didn't feel like it]

'Truth is. . You're not the only one not listed in my contacts.' M/n sighed at the thought, cursing his past self that didn't do him a favor by adding the names of the new phone numbers he's received.

[. M/n.
Sometimes you're unbearable, you know that?]

M/n: [Been knowing since birth, now spill.]

???: [Yea yea.]
[ Typing. . ]


M/n flinched, the sudden scream caused him to fumble with his phone, once he finally managed to sandwich his phone against his hands he let out a small breath of relief. He then turned to the group, his eyes narrowing at the sight of John looking at Zoe in a nasty way.

He went to move in front of her but Daniel beat him to it.

John: "Here. Your loan."

Jiho: "WOAH!
A Hundred? But I only Gave you 50 Before" He questioned but nonetheless took the money.

John : "Interest. I won a bit. $500"

Yeah right. .

The two conversed until Jhon proposed an idea.

"You Guys wanna try too? Anyways, it's easy money. Just trust me. It's Easy.
Just Try It For Fun."

The others looked at him questionably.

"I'll give it a try."

The others were caught by surprise, they looked at each other then at M/n. Just what is he thinking? They thought

. . .

Jiho: "I need to enter my account number?"

John: "Yup thats where they send the money."

M/n: "Hey, you. Give me your account number."

John looked at M/n in shock as he pointed towards himself. "Me?" he asked for confirmation.

M/n: "Yea. Who else would I be talking to?"

John: "Why shou-"

M/n: "I don't have a bank account, " Liar
" So give me yours."

John: "I-"

M/n : "It shouldn't be a problem, right? I mean they're your friends and I'll be giving you the money." he spoke in a monotone voice as he stared right into his soul.

John gulped, reluctantly handing over his account, and they continued on with the game.



". . And it pays out right away!
Jiho, M/n. How does it feel to win $1600 in 25 min?!"
He grinned widely, his smile masking the small detestment against M/n.

Jiho admired the money in his hands, only stopping to take small glances towards the stack of money in M/n's hands.
Yes, that's right. He too felt a slight distaste towards M/n. 'I should have put more money' was all he could think of.

M/n stuffed the money inside his pocket, bidding his friends goodbye as he whistled away, content with what he had accomplished.

Ring~ Ring ~



???: "So you coming or what?"


???: "I gave you my name. . "

" . . Yeah, But you're paying. "

???: "I kn-"


M/n smiled, he didn't even need to see the message to know who was on the other side of the phone.


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