( ● . ●)

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Sliding the door open to his classroom, he was immediately bombarded with questions from his friends.

M/n sweat dropped
"I- *sigh* calm down. ."

A tick mark appears on the side of his head
"Would you let me talk?!"

They went silent

He let out a sigh of relief
"Thank you"

He started to explain what happened, making sure to leave out the part about him sleeping at Goo's place.

They all looked at him with suspicious eyes. While he tried to avoid eye contact.

A tense atmosphere surrounded the group.
M/n's sweaty and un-tidy clothes told a whole different story.

"We were gonna leave to find those scammers anyways"
Zack said coldly, walking away with Daniel and his goons.

M/n ignored the uneasy atmosphere and went to sit at his desk.

After a while M/n realized that he didn't have any of his school supplies with him. So he went up to Jay to ask for a paper and pencil.

"Hey, Jay-"

He cuts himself off, feeling someone drag him away.
Looking back he sees the head of a familiar brunette.

He gives her a questionable look

"We're going to foll-i mean buy some books."
She says with a face filled with determination.


Jay watches them leave.
Already knowing where they are going he decides to follow after them.

"Guys . . are you sure they went this way?"
M/n asks

"Of course they did."
Mira responds

"Why are you even here?"
Yui asks Mira

"I came to buy a book, but I'm just helping you find them!"

So loud


They all turned around to see Zack speedwalking towards them.

They all said in unison

He ignores the pestering Yui and goes straight for Mira.
Grabbing her shoulders he starts to question why she was here.

M/n's stomach grumbled.
I'm hungry
Just as he was walking away he feels someone grab his wrist.

Looking back he sees

"You shouldn't be here . "
Although he feels a bit off about M/n's story.
And won't admit that the thing he's feeling is jealousy.
He can't help but feel worried about his safety.

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