Chapter 1: The Merge

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In the start of time, years before my time the birth of the supernatural began. In the beginning of time, they used to live in secret as the fear of the unknown was high. Now they just walk around freely on the sidewalks like they are not some kind of creature. During the night is where no one dares to cross the line of being out. Knowing that those things are out there is just the beginning of the thoughts of the mind. The thoughts circle through their minds such as, "where did they come from and when did they actually show up in the first place. With each day just walking outside of the door wondering if the day is going to be a good day or just a really bad day.

With each day of just taking, trying to take a step outside of the door is just difficult. Who knows what is going to be outside that door. The wondering that is going through each and every one of our heads. The fear as humans is the same as them, scared just to step outside of our doors. Each step that we take is full of fear within each of our bodies. The things we have to do to keep the human species alive. Well, that is what we are all telling ourselves that these rules will keep us safe for the danger that we fear is out there. Questioning has begun on whether these rules that are created to keep us safe are not actually keeping us safe, but just making us easier targets for them. The ones making the rules saying if you follow the rules nothing is going to happen, these rules will keep you safe. People have been bringing up the deaths of many and that their cause of death is unknown to them.

The people were upset, then started blaming the supernatural for this death that was happening. They want to know what truly happened to these people that died, and to have them explain why they are covering up the supernatural actions in the first place. The ones who made the rules are helping the supernatural and the people are searching for answers as to who are the ones that have been making the rules in the first place. 

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