Chapter 3: Speaker of ruling

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The time has come, the ruling check is here and there is no way to stop it. Within just five minutes, the speaker will start to speak with the announcements that were planned. Waiting for the speakers to report the results of the new ruling. In the meantime, people start to talk just like in old times, getting along with each other. There is no hatred towards each other with the time and effort of just a smile. The world seems like I have just been transferred to a different planet. Why won't the world stay like this, with the peaceful nightly stars and moonlight in the night?

Just in the darkness of the moonlight, the moment was ruined in seconds. The speaker finally starts to speak with the word on the page. Others are out as well as a mask covering their face hanging out the new rules. While they were hanging these rules out, people, and mostly I as a person, was starting to wonder why they were wearing masks. We're the people forced to do this, or is this their job? Once the pack of rules arrived in my hand, my thoughts started to slow down.

While looking at the packet of rules, I quietly started to lose it. I know there are about 26 more rules on here than from the last time. Just taking the time to process the rules that were just handed to me. These rules keep getting more and more difficult and dumb. These rules need to come to an end, and in time it will because the ruler of the throne loves to play this little game and it will not be long before it backfires on them. I think it is about time to end this game. Putting an end to the game ruler upon his throne.

With time the throne has been ruler too long, it is about time to get the throne back. Along with the rules that have been held over us for way too long. The time has come that the throne shall come to an end. Things that they have held over us for way too long to promote dangerous things that are happening more and plus the fact of this month's checks happening. The other fact is within these monthly checks we have to pay to get in. If we don't make the entry fee payment, the consequence is death. No one knows what the death penalty looks like, the only thing known is that the death is not quick. There have been many rumors over the years but no one knows the truth until now. The death consequence is... 

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