Chapter 5: Death Announcement

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Soon enough after waiting for a bit of time, within a quick moment my thought process was broken. When lights project a screen into the sky showing groups of people. My thoughts that are going through my mind, asking myself are these the rulers? Why are they wearing masks and why won't they let us see their faces? Thinking now something definitely is not right and at this point the world needs more help than ever. The speaker is starting to address the rumors and people started to talk while others died silent. Hoping the rumors don't get them into any trouble.

The ruler says "we hear that there are rumors going around about the people. The people that don't pay the entry fee for the monthly ruling check in. We will give you a heads up, they are not wrong. They are punished for not following the rules, the rules must be followed and enforced. Each one of you thinks we are not enforcing the rules, so now we are having public punishments. Therefore to show each one of you to follow or you shall be punished. The rule breaker will be an example for each and every one of you to know rules must be followed. We will warn you all now some survive or others are not so lucky. If you are the one to survive you will never be the same again. That's all we have to address, curfew in an hour. Enjoy the rest of the night."

What the heck, that rumor was... what are we going to do? This is just crazy talk; these people can't be dead, they can't be. How are we going to remember all of these rules? There are so many rules to follow, it's like we are going to act like robots or something. How are we going to survive this, are we all going to die? We need to find a way to fight back but we need to know who they are first. We must know who they are, or we are not going to get anywhere. Our government or ruler whatever you want to call them, just made things a bit more difficult. Of course, they have to make a decision that is putting us ten steps backwards. The time of following the rules and being a good soldier is now. The only problem is that it is too early for these rules but by tomorrow morning it will not be. The first step in my plan is to follow the rules and blend in with the crowd. Getting caught now would be a waste of time and effort that has been put in to shut down these rulers. 

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