Chapter 7: Door Mystery

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Within moments of me answering the door, the streetlights started to go off and on. When in second before I answered the door, within the last second of me about to turn the doorknob. The light is just going off causing whoever or whatever to take it out. What could be out there to scare off the thing at the door? Which in the meantime caused me to back away from the door. It was not the lights making me back away from the door. It was mostly the cold sensation that started to worry me. The chilling cold to the bones and the fact that I could see my breath. The thought that is going toward my mind is saying hell no. What even scared the thing away from my door has arrived in front of my door with a slit door upon my door. The cold feeling got stronger with my fear increasing within seconds. The fear strikes a major nerve within my body.

The fear started to take out my body, with the fact that my body slid down this wall. In moments I am just sitting on this floor with my body feeling like it is in a mountain of ice. My body just won't move, it's just frozen. I am just scared out of my mind, the fear has me frozen in place. Just in those few near moments of fear and get the feeling of wonder. For some reason I start to stand up, my feet moving closer to the door. The wonder of who is at the door made fear just fade away. The bad thing is the wonder that I have of who or what is at the door, just having me thinking more and more causing me to just get closer and closer toward the door. The fear that I had just started faded quickly with every second that I had in my body. The wonder grew stronger and stronger to the point that I had not a single drop of fear within my body. Within the point that there was not a second drop of fear left in my body. Within seconds that wonder was clouding my judgment and within seconds I was at the door again. Once I heard the knock at the door again, it started to knock some senses into me. At that moment I started to think about the rule of not opening the door past the hours of the night. I started to slowly back away from the door, knowing that it may be a trap. The thought I had was that it could be one of the guards at the door. It could be them trying to test people to see if any of them would be breaking any rules.

The fact that I don't know what is actually at the door but that I can't get caught breaking any rule to be able to take the door is the ruler of the world. The moments like these I have to slow down and think, knowing the road head may get a bit dangerous. The plan must happen, there can't be turning back now. 

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