Chapter 9: The Worry

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But, while I was trying to talk to him I have not gotten a response from him. He has never been like this unless something major has happened out there. While getting him a break from stitching up some of his cuts. I had to reschedule the book club meeting, I was going to change locations as well. I decided to deliver that differently just to be able to keep things more on the down low. Once the message was sent out, the timer went off from the cherry pie. Once I took out the cherry pie, I cut a piece out and placed it on a plate for Sam. I started to attend to the cuts on his body. I want to fix them as much as possible but seeing him in this much pain, just pains me to see how much pain he is going through. I just started to attend to the most major spots on his body. I just want to get the most painful spot so he can relax sooner. The cuts on his body looked like something was tearing him apart. I am just looking at these cuts wondering what could have done this to him. While I was stitching up his final two cuts, I started to ask some questions to able to know some information on what went on. The first question that was asked was where is your brother at? I got no response from him. I repeated the question but this time I asked where is your brother Dean?

Within seconds Sam filled his head and stared into my eyes with tears formal in his eyes. Dean, Dean, DEAN, DEAN IS STILL OUT THERE!!! WE HAVE TO GO GET DEAN!!! He jumped up quickly in the middle of me stitching up his cuts. I had to calm him down and put him back in his seat. I had to calm him down in an effort to be able to finish stitching up his cuts. I was trying to talk him down letting him know that things are going to be ok. The only thing he wanted to do was going to save his brother. I had to seat him back down and at this point, I am trying to focus to be able to tell me what has happened out there. After 30 I finally got him to sit down and explain what had happened while they were out there. Blah blah blah, Sam, Sam, SAM slow down and calm down. Sam can you slowly explain what has happened, please explain slowly.

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