Chapter 15: Memory of Pain{Part 2}

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They should have been worried about the amount of things that happened are her way home. Michaela heard a noise and like she always does goes to check it out just in case anyone needs help. Once she with to check it out something was waiting for her. something lusing in the darkness waiting quietly in the dark for her. Michaela walks into this dark alley when she heard someone screaming for help. She didn't take a second thought to it and just run through the doors. While looking around she got an unchilling up her spine. She was starting to get colder and colder the far and far she walk into the building. The next thing she threw she was in the center of the building and it felt like her hurt had a hand around it then sunk to the floor. The other thing is that the chilies were spreading around her body like something was hovering right over her. The fear in her eyes was everything. The horror of a figure that hovered behind struck a chilling nerve. The dark figure with 4 blades that were as long as 3 ft long. The figure was 7 ft tall that looked similar to the reaper. At that moment she realized that she can hand to hand with the dark lord. She finally knows what kind of trouble she got herself into. In the next few moments dark energy of red and black rays and blades flying through the air. Her body was spiced through her skin like butter and tore through her bone like a nice juicy steak. To the dark lord her being sliced into pieces was like nothing. Blood was just drained from her body and she was just fighting inches to stay alive. The moment when her body could fight anymore and just lay on the cold hard ground. Just laying in her pool of blood hoping someone would hopefully find her to come to her rescue. Her body started to feel colder and her blood started to get warmer. The Dark Lord has been gone for 3 hrs, and the only thought that has run threw her mind is "Why has no one come looking for me?" 

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