Chapter 8: Meeting up again.

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The night felt like it was so long, I felt like I only got an hour of sleep. While waking up, I just remembered that the meeting is today. Oh, fudge sticks, the meeting in two hours, plus I never even made a dish for the book club tonight. The other thing is that we are having to read a book just to fake out the guards that are now watching each building. I that it's complete bull crap. With the number of things that are going on, we didn't need some guard going around and nosing their way into our daily business. We are now going to have a difficult time being able to talk about The Plan. The time of this problem really could not come at a worse time ever. The timing of this whole thing did come at the worse time probably. Other than the thoughts that are running across my mind, the dish I have to make is a dish. What I am going to make for the meeting, I mean the book club. Maybe I should make a cherry pie, my old-style homemade cherry pie. In the process of making my cherry pie, I put the sweet cherry pie into the oven. DANG DANG DANG!!! Who is knocking at the door during this time of the day? Hey Stacy, can you set a 30-minute timer? While waiting for the cherry pie to cook, I go ahead to see who is at the door. In the process of opening the door, whoosh, the door swung right open. Sam ran right into my house. Before I could say anything, Sam quickly said "lock the doors and salt all the doors and windows. Quickly, quickly do it now". Knowing when he said you salt the doors and windows, I started to rush to the salt stash to do all of the doors and windows. Once I salted all of the doors and windows, I shall say that Sam had such major cuts on his body and the fact that he was talking fast. I started to calm him down, once he started to calm and slow down. I ran to get some medical supplies and then set them on the table.The careful got Sam off of the ground and helped him into a chair, and started to carefully start to take out his shirt. In the process of taking off his shirt, I forgot that he had some nice abs. In the process, I may have blushed like a red tomato. Once his shirt was completely off I started to disaffect the major cut on his chest, his back, and then the hardcore abs. When they were all cleaned up to the point when I could stitch him. Stitching him up was an easy and difficult process because with a few stitches, I came to see within his face that he was trying not to react to the pain that he is in. So at times, there were points I had to stop and just talk to him, but...

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