Chapter 17: Memory of Pain{Part 4}

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Sam and Bella were worried about you bleeding out in the backseat. Dean was holding Michaela very close in the backseat of the car. Bella, we need to make a stop for some supplies. Sam pulls into this old rusted, falling-over gas station with a river running straight through the middle of the building. Bella gets out of the car to walk to the right side of the gas station. Bella says before she walked inside "I will be right back I promise, please don't follow me." Bella walked into the border limit and disappeared as she walked into a portal. Sam was worried because Bella just disappears out of thin air but he knew if Bella says she will be back she will be back. While everyone was waiting outside, Bella was inside looking around the witch's safehouse for some supplies. She grad a few towels, bandages, herbs, potions, and anything that may be of use to Michaela. There was not much time to waste so Bella started packing three, four, five, six.. she stopped counting the amount of bagging that she was carrying cause she was so worried about what she may need. Bella start exiting the building, once she did, Sam let out a sigh of relief while saying "What the hell Bella don't scare me like that. Do you have everything you need?" Bella replies "Yes, Now Let's get moving." Sam and Bella get back in the car to make their way to Rachel's. On the way to Rachel's Bella starts making some healing potions and creams to help the healing process but it's only going to be a temporary fix. Once the potion is done she gave it to Dean to have him apply it to her wounds. Bella had Dean rap the wounds up the best he could. After thirty minutes Michaela slowly gains consciousness while saying slowly and softly "Sorry Dean about the blood in your car, I had..." Dean cut off what Michaela was going to say, "I don't care about that all I care about right now is you, I want you to be ok that is all that matters to me right now." Michaela starts to cough up blood, "Dean it hurts too much." "I know Michaela, I know but I need you to hold on can you do that, you can do that right, you are strong, amazing, beautiful, I just need you to hold for me, I just can't lose you Please hold on." Dean starts to cry, Michaela wiping away his tears "Dean you should know I am not going to give up easily, I will fight until my last breath, I will fight through the pain even if it is going to kill me as long as you are here I know I can get through anything." 

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