Chapter 24: The Plan

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Over the planning time, there are too many plans but only one that comes with a descend outcome. They get together all while leaving Dean out of the loop until Michaela leaves to go get Bella. They go over the plan one more time, Sam said "We are going over this one more time and double check there are going not be any bumps in the road. Now the start of the plan we know is not the best but it is the only safe way we come up with things." Rachel stands in " Michaela you are just going to walk in through the front doors, we know it most likely is going to be a trap so don't let your guard down, Bella is mostly going to be kept in the underground level or the hidden room." Michaela intervenes, "Once I finally Bella get to the location to start the spell and in an estimated time of one minute and 3 seconds. The amount of time to get to the location and to the amount of time doing it is very important. Once to spell is placed, Bella and I will be able to walk through the wall taking us into the patrol world and leading into other locations where the both of you and Dean with meet us." Sam comes around to say "We all be there supporting and helping the both of you get out of the and we already know they will coming hot behind us. So we know we are going to have to get out of there far and there is no time to waste in that moment. All while we are trying to get you two out of there Rachel is going to check to see if there is any spell tracker placed on either of your bodies." Rachel clears are throat before speaking "After that spell check is clear, we are going to get a safe amount of distance away to stop so I can open a temporary travel portal. Once the portal is complete I will need five minutes to do it. Do we all understand the plan, Michaela you understand the plan?" Michaela nods her head, "Can I go see Dean just in case.." Sam interrupts, "Michaela don't think that way you are going to get through this." Dean walks into the room to ask "Are all of you done making the plan." Michaela nods her head, Dean comes to hug her and says "Please Michaela try to stay safe as possible." Michaela says "I will try the best I can to be safe." Dean said, "Please come back to me love, I can't lose you again." Michaela said, " Dean you will not lose me I promise." 

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