Chapter 22: Bad News

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Michaela knows that Rachel and the boys are not telling her something. "RACHEL WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME, TELL ME NOW, WHAT IS GOING ON? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON." Rachel sighs "ok Michaela I need you not to frick out more than you have already done so." "Rachel explains and I can't promise that 'cause I alright don't like the way to are addressing this problem." "Ok then Michaela I am just going to spill the bad news out, it's about Bella" "What about Bella?" Michaela angrily and upsetting saying. "Well, Bella was taken by a couple of unknown people the boys didn't really get a good eye on who they were. The boys did track a few locations down and took care of the ones that they could. There is a problem with the last location and only a goddess can get through the door, which we think there is a very high chance it going to be a trap. Dean already said no to it but Sam said yes so it is up to you. What is your choice Michaela are we.." Michaela cuts Rachel off, "It's Bella of course I am going to do it even if it is a trap she would do it for me" Dean yells"HELL NO, WE JUST GOT YOU BACK I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN PLEASE DON'T DO THIS." Michaela says "Dean you are not going to lose me" putting her hand on the side of his face to plant a kiss upon his cheek "Trust me Dean you are not going to lose me again, no matter what happens your not going to lose me." Michaela Whisper "I love you, Dean." Dean says "What did you say, Michaela?" "Umm, nothing Dean" He gets up and says under his breath "I love you too." Michaela blushes and he smiles and winks at her. 

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