Chapter 14: Memory of Pain{Part 1}

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The whole thing that got Michaela in this position in the first is that Sam and Dean got caught in a cross-fight of a huge godly fight. This fight was between 35 gods of the heavens versus 35 gods of the darkness. Dean and Sam have another brotherly fight in which one thing causes another. The fight ends up activating the biggest fight in history between the racist of the gods. The gods ended up being deployed to Sam and Dean located to a war of the gods started. Now what the fight was about Michaela and Bella, argued and argued about how the boys were treating their girl. The thing is that the brothers want to be with the other girl but they didn't want to break the girl's hearts or their friendship. The other fact is that the boys were in love with both of the girls but they knew that they could only choose one or the other. While the boys were arguing Michaela and her best friend who was like a sister to her, Bella came to check up on the boys. Sam and Dean were under a heavy amount of firepower and there were a lot of wounds on them. Bella and Michaela could easily get the two of them out of there. The thing that Sam and Dean never knew is that Bella is one of the most powerful witches and vampires of all time in history and Michaela is one of the most youngest and powerful goddesses of all time in history. The sister got to the boys and their action was just something. Sam and Dean said, " WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU BOTH DOING HERE AND TO DANGOUES". They were both worried about the two sisters getting hurt. The sister said, "Whatever happens the both of you will not look at us any differently". Sam and Dean said, what did you mean? The sister said, PROMISE US PLEASE? Sam and Dean said, We Promise. Both of the sisters showed who they truly were healed the brother and got them out of there. The brother was in shock and wanted nothing to do with them. Michaela said Bella stay knock some sense into them, don't actually knock sense into them. Bella said I was going to do that (while laughing) Bella asked Michaela where are you going. Bella, I am going to take care of a few things. Michaela, you are not going back to the fight with god, are you? Michaela said no clue what you are talking about. Michaela don't do it you are going to get yourself killed. Michaela doesn't listen and goes to help in the fight. Bella of course watching over Michaela during the fight. Michaela had a few minor cuts and bruises along her way back home to Bella and the boys. Bella stopped watching over her because she knew she is on her way home, how much she knew how much she was wrong. The Boys were questioning what if this happens... or what if she passes out from blood loss. The boys were worried if Michaela was or was not going to make it home. They should have worried a bit more to check up on what was taking so long.

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