Chapter 13: Painful Memories

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In the process of Rachel's recovering each memory pulling each and showing every painful moment. The memory process is just pulling each moment like a flashing slideshow. Again with the amount of painful memory flooding Michaela's mind. Along with the screaming pain of each memory that arises back within the mind. The amount of pain that Michaela was going through there was blood starting to leak from her eyes, nose, and ears. "COUGH, COUGH, COUGH", Sam and Dean start to panic with the amount of blood that Michaela was wheezing up. The amount was increasing and the danger zone was in recovering memories. The first stage of the danger zone is "Croaking up Blood". The second stage of this risk is a slur of speech. Sam and Dean try to get Michaela to talk but with the amount of pain all she could do is "AGH" They try their best to get her attention, "Michaela, Michaela, Michaela, we need you to try your best to breathe, and focus, we need you to try to talk to us, Dean said. "COUGH, COUGH". (Michaela says while sobbing) "DEAN TH-IS IS SO PAINFUL, MAKE IT STOP PLEASE" Michaela calls out in pain, Sam and Dean wanted to make this whole thing stop. Dean and Sam start walking forwards. "STOP" Rachel screamed at Dean and Sam. They looked at Rachel realizing what they were about to do. How much work that they were going to destroy. Rachel said, "If I think you knew michaela as I think you do, then you will know not to disturb the process until it's done." Dean and Sam stepped back and turned their heads cause they couldn't watch the amount of pain that you were in. The amount of pain and the looks of things just brought back flashbacks to them that they could not handle. The screams, the blood, and you crying out for help brought the flashback to why they were in this position in the first place. 

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