Chapter 12: Working For Memories

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While working a way through the piles is going to be a very long way just to get my memories back. The thing is there are so many turns within these piles this is going to be so much fun. Within the first three hundred feet, we are taking the first right as we are going down these piles, and it just gets darker and darker. I just have to remember to count the number of steps and the weird thing is I just don't know where I am going. I just have a gut feeling about which direction is right, it's just I have to trust in this feeling it just feels like the right thing. It's alright been seven hundred and forty - three feet to be able to take the second pile on the left out of the seven piles that are there. Just in two hundred and thirty feet, you couldn't even see your hand in front of you. Sam started to ask what the clicking noise was behind us. Something was telling me to quickly get out of these piles, whatever is behind us is pure trouble right now. I told Sam we needed to pick up the pace while grabbing his hand and walking a bit faster. Four hundred is going to be another left, right about now. Hey, that noise is getting closer, I started to listen to the noise and it is closer than I thought. Sam we need to run now, I had a tight grip on Sam's hand and we both started to run. Four hundred feet is a right, forty feet is a left, sixty hundred feet is a left and seven hundred feet is a right. Finally running straight into a bright area trying to shut this weighted door for left whatever is after us. I back away from the door looking around to see if there is something to close the door. " BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR," someone said. By not even touching the door, the weight door slowly closes, once the door is fully closed "DANG". Whatever it was run right into that door, "EAT THAT HUNK OF METAL YOU OVER SIZE BEASTED". "Hi Michaela and Sam, people call me Red Blood Rachel but you can call me my Rachel. I'm glad you made it here safely. Honestly, some aren't so lucky. It's nice to see you both again and before you say anything, yes I did overlap your memories but I didn't take any. Before overlapping your memories you asked me to follow a few rules, I have followed each and every rule that you have stated. The reason why you did it is to help the healing process from all of you saving the world." "Saving the world from what? What happened that I would need so much time to heal?" "Michaela let me show it by recovering those memories of yours."

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