Chapter 19: Memory Aftermath

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Each thing that has happened, with everything that has happened everything these boys have been thought. Seeing Michaela again brought a smile on the boys happy but seeing her in the amount of pain that she is in pained him. They are watching the amount of pain, all of the screaming just to get Michaela's memories back. Watching the blood dip from her body, the boys turned their heads cause they could watch the amount of pain that she was in. Finally, Michaela stop screaming and her body dropped to the floor. Both of the boys ran to pick her up and followed Rachel out of the room. Rachel cast a portal spell to where everything started about the removal of Michaela's memories. Once the portal was up all of them walked through it, taking them to Rachel's castle. Rachel orders the boys to take Michaela to the infirmary room. The boys lay Michaela in one of the beds, Rachel came in with some supplies to clean up the blood from her body. Rachel had the boys leave so that she could change Michaela out of her bloody clothes. Rachel asked the boys to come by to walk over to her. Dean and Sam asked, "Where are you going to do." Rachel responded, "I am going to make sure we have enough supplies and that her room is ready for her." The boys pull up a chair next to Michaela's bed watching and waiting for her to wake. They checked every thirty minutes to make sure she is still breathing, for the fifth time checking in on her, and just for a second she stopped breathing. Both of the boys freaked out and Dean was about to start CPR. Rachel walks in yelling "STOP DON'T TOUCH HER DEAN" "SHE NOT BREATHING, SHE GOING TO DIED, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT" Rachel says trying to be calm as possible, "If you do CPR you will kill her." Dean asks "What do you mean?" Rachel responds, "With her wounds that had been done during recovering her memories could put more stress on her heart." 

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