Chapter 20: Road to Recover

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Rachel stands over Micheala treating her wounds while her heart is still not beating. Dean yells "RACHEL!!! MICHAELA IS STILL NOT BREATHING!!! DO SOMETHING NOW!!!" After one minute of her heart not beating, Rachel places her hand over Michaela's chest. Rachel told the boys to back away from the bed. Once they did Rachel started to send electric shocks into Michaela's heart and tried to get a pulse back into her heart. Rachel did this for about two minutes while Dean was yelling at her the whole time. Once there was a pulse back, Rachel told the boys to take Michaela to her room. Dean picked up Michaela and followed Rachel to her room. Dean walked into the room with Michaela in his arms and he lay her on the bed gently setting her head on the pillows. He walked to get a blanket covering her. Dean pulls a chair over and sits right next to the bed waiting for her to wake up. He sat there for two days without moving, he has barely eaten or drink anything within those couple of days. He just waited by her holding her hand. Just waiting until she wakes up. Sleepily she said, "Hey Dean, It's really good to see you." Dean Quicks looks up with tears in his eyes "Your awake, you finally woke up." While she places her hand on the side of his face and says "Where that smile I like to see and how much I have missed you." He smiles at her happy to see that she has woken up. He asks "How much do you reminder", She answers "Why don't you come to cuddle me and her how much I reminder you." He smile "So you reminder everything." she said "I do" while she slowly tears up. Dean climbs in bed with her and starts to cuddle and comforted her.  

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