Chapter 18: Memory of Pain{Part 5}

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After a while Bella's potions started to wear off, "Dean, Bella I think there's something wrong" Michaela starts bleeding again. Dean starts to panic cause Micaeala starts to lose conciseness again. Bella hands Deans the potion again but this time Dean was in a panic. Bella had to calm Dean down but couldn't. Sam ended up pulling the car over, getting out of the car, and pulling Dean out of them to try to calm him down. While Sam was trying to calm down Dean, Bella helped Michaela with her wounds. Once Sam was done calming down Dean, Bella was done treating Michaela's wounds. They all get in the car and back on the road. Dean seats in the back with Michaela back in his arms, with her regaining conciseness. Once she opened her eyes she shall a smile on Dean's face. "Glad to see those Biulful eyes of your's" making a smile on her face with her pearl white teeth. Michaela says "No matter what is going on you just know how to put a smile on my face." Dean smiles. Sam and Bella smile at the enjoyment and happiness of the two of them cause what is about to happen to go to be a long and painful journey for Dean. Once they were five minutes away from Rachel's, Sam and Bella broke the news of where they are heading. Sam said "Letting the both of you know that we are heading to Rachel's" Michaela broke into tears cause she knew what was going to happen. Dean was worried why just a name could cause this many tears. Michaela said sobbing, "Bella can you explain why we are going to Rachel's." Bella starts to explain to Dean "So Dean we are going to Rachel's because is a healer" "OK BELLA SHE IS A HEALER THAT DOES EXPLAIN WHY SHE IS CRYING" "Dean in the healing process, Rachel needs to remove some of her memories, meaning that she will need space from us, will not be able to see us for a while so she gets the right healing that is needed. Dean said, "very shocked with tears filling in his eyes." Once they have raised they brought Michaela inside Rachel's home. Rachel's home is the size of a castle and the process of removing and storing her memory until they meet again. 

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