Chapter 10: What Happened

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Sam finally explains what is going on with a calm attitude and slowly explains. "It started with us getting in town and being right on top of a hunt. Instead, we were walking in on a hunter trap made by the Shadow ghost. We started with just overhearing about the ghost that has been haunting the townspeople. The research that we started to dig up was that they were called the Shadow ghost, with not much background information about them. The only thing is that one of the rulers had a bunch of background information about them. So now like normal, we go to a source that has information about the thing that is going around the town. Not knowing that one of the rulers had a trap ready for us to walk right into it. While we were walking into the door, the door ended up closing right behind us. The lights just went out and then it felt like claws were just ripping my skin apart. They were not fast slices across my bare skin. They dug deep and they were slow with each slice that they were making. All I hear is Dean screaming and I bet he could hear me screaming as well.It was so dark I could see anything but the only thing I could hear was him screaming. I was trying to find Dean by following him screaming, I yelled at him letting him know I was trying to find him. The thing that he kept saying was to run and to come to find you. The next thing that he was saying was to find you, to restore your memories before coming after him. Dean said to restore the memories was to find Red Blood Rachel. Rachel who is Rachel." The thought that is round toward our mind is who Rachel is. The thing that runs toward my mind is "getting my memories back". I started to flip out "WAIT, MEMORIES, WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT GETTING BACK MY MEMORIES. WHAT HAPPENS TO MY MEMORIES." Sam started to calm me down and he said...

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