Chapter 2: The Thoughts

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The people started to realize that no one really knows who made these rules and the fact that they are covering up the bodies. Was the fear created even real to begin with, in the moment of clarity when people stepped back to look at how they were living, and people are starting to realize things aren't as they seem. Who is the one starting everything that has been going on in this world. The impact and the pain these people all over have been through. The sounds of the peoples sorrows are full of fire, raging anger and pure bloody pain. With the amount of suffering these people have been through. Within just hours the people wonder who is the one running around thinking this is their kingdom. The thought that they can claim this place as their throne. In this realm we are not to be controlled by a king or queen. The fight has only just begun and there will be blood to spill. The amount of blood shed that they are about to behold upon the throne.

Thinking that someone is going to be holding us back, at the point where there is nothing holding us back now. The hell that we have already been taught is quite enough and the time has come. With the years of new rules and the restriction on the way we live. It's time for things to change, for us and for them. No one should have this much power within their hands. Times are different from what they were and it's about time all hell breaks loose in the form of war. Within these thoughts there is a meeting tonight about the ruling. The one night where there are no attacks and everyone is forced to get along.

These ruling checks happen once a month now with the attacks happening lately. Thinking about the ruling check is what kind of rules are going to be added this time. There are hardly any rules taken away from the list and at this point there is too much on the list to keep track of. With the monthly check in tonight they are starting to post and hand out the rules to everyone. The thing is they are handing them out to every person does that mean the supernatural are not going to get any copies of the rules. Are there rules for the supernatural? Are the supernatural allowed at these meetings? Why am I now thinking about this question? Why didn't these questions come up earlier? What am I thinking? I wonder what tonight's ruling check is about? I guess I have to wait and find out tonight.

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