Chapter 23: Plan to Save Sisterhood

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In the meantime, Rachel and Sam got with Michaela to set up a plan to save Bella. They have been making different planing for hours. Dean didn't like any of the plans that they had come up with. No matter how much planning they did Dean disagree with everything they have said. Finally, Michaela said "Dean I am doing this whether you like it or not she is like a sister and I have to do this. I know you understand this because you would run into anything without even thinking about it and you know I am right." Dean says "Darling I truly hate when you are right about these things." Michaela says "Thank you for understanding and I know you don't like when I am right about these things." Dean says "Just make sure you come home safely, both of you. Sam and Rachel make sure it is a good plan to get both of them home safely, and NOT JUST ONE OF THEM BOTH OF THEM!!!" Sam says "We understand Dean that's been the plan, we are not repeating the same thing that has happened in the past, not again. I will not put Michaela threw that pain away, I promise Dean, we will get her out of there even if we have to flee the other beheaded." Dean walks away from them planning because he didn't want to stand in the way. Once he left the room Sam and Rachel started to discuss what the plan was going to be when Michaela sat back down at the table. For a while, there were many good plans none that would get them both out safely. The amount of planning and the time they are already taken on this. It's been about four hours and there is still no good plan they have come up with. 

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