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CHAPTER FOUR: "Danger, Danger

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"Danger, Danger."

VIOLET told Mike everything

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VIOLET told Mike everything. From the growing up in a lab from the day she was born, to being tested and having her brain re-wired by a bunch scientist who get satisfaction from turning innocent children into weapons. She left out the really traumatic parts, not just because she didn't want to scare him, but because she didn't want to force herself to relive the memories of that god awful day.

She figured that him knowing where she and El were from and what their powers were would have been enough.

"So, you're like a superhero?" Mike questioned eagerly, "You and El?"

Violet shrugged, "I guess you could say that. Although, I've never used my powers to save anyone. I really only use them to make food when I'm at home alone, and grab things when I'm too lazy to get up."

Mike leans over the table, his chocolate brown eyes wide in wonder. "Can I see it? Your... powers?" He clarified.

Violet let's out a sigh, "I knew you would want to." She hums to herself as she looks around the kitchen, "Let's see... what do you want out of the cabinet?"

"Uh, a poptart, I guess?" Mike replied unsurely, but it was good enough for her.

She moved her gaze towards the cupboard, then she used her willpower to open the cabinet. Mike gasped in amazement, his eyes wide open with his mouth agape. Then she looked for the box of poptarts and focused on it as it levitated to her hand, she grabs it midair and placed it on the table, pushing it towards Mike who's jaw was hung open.

Violet smirked, "Eat up, Michael."

A wide smile takes place on his face as he shoots up from the chair, he rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Violet, you're amazing!"

Violet chuckled softly, hugging him back. "Thanks, Mike." They pull apart, "But El is way more powerful than I am. She can literally go into your mind and walk around in your memories. And she can find people. And by people, I mean anyone."

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