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Chapter Thirty Eight: "I don't care about ice cream

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Chapter Thirty Eight:
"I don't care about ice cream."

     AFTER the battle vs The Mind Flayer, Violet didn't head home

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AFTER the battle vs The Mind Flayer, Violet didn't head home. Instead she spent the night the Wheeler's, camped out in Mike's basement with the rest of the party. Her throat was shot to hell, even speaking an entire sentence hurt like shit, she was over exerted and exhausted beyond belief, and all she wanted to do was sleep for days.

But before she could do that, she pulled out her walkie and called her brother to tell him where she was and that she was okay. However, when she called him, for the first time ever she couldn't get ahold of him. Which was was odd, because he always kept his walkie on. He was constantly hounding her about the low battery and keeping it charged.

So why wasn't he answering?

Before she could work herself up into a frenzy, that would definitely be over kill on her throat if she were to have a panic attack, Max swiftly came to her rescue and managed to convince her that he was probably sleeping. Which, yeah, that could make a lick of sense.

Whenever Steve would have a significantly long day at work, he would come home, say goodnight to Violet and sleep like the dead which left her to make her own dinner. No complaints of course, thanks to him being an absolute food god in the kitchen and giving her cooking lessons, she was quite the chef.

So, with that in mind, she decided to listen to her girlfriend and together they share a sleeping bag and got the rest that they both so desperately needed after tonight's events.

Like clockwork, the hours passed by, the sun rose high in the sky, and she woke up feeling rejuvenated and fully rested after a long night's worth of sleep. Naturally, it wasn't even morning, she always wakes up late, and by the looks of empty sleeping bags around her, she's the only one.

She could hear voices and footsteps coming from upstairs, she could also smell the stomach rumbling scent of breakfast food lingering from the cracked open basement door. A yawn slipped out from her lips as her arms stretched out and reached overhead, then she winced in pain as her hand dropped to massage her soar throat.

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