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Chapter Thirty Two: "Same Old Shit

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Chapter Thirty Two:
"Same Old Shit."

     IN the neighborhood of Loch Nora there's a three story home, in said home housed the very known Harrington family

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     IN the neighborhood of Loch Nora there's a three story home, in said home housed the very known Harrington family. And inside that for the most part empty home was Violet Harrington, who was currently having a mind fight with her closet as she used her abilities to pick an outfit to wear that night to hang out with her best friends and girlfriend.

Yep, she has a girlfriend.

To say that things drastically changed in Hawkins since the hellish battle of the Mind Flayer and it's baby Demo-dog minions would be a massive understatement. It feels odd and kind of scary to admit it, but the rest of the year was pretty... normal. Chief Hopper was keeping an eye on the town, promising updates if anything Upside Down related reared it's ugly head, but months had gone by, birthdays had passed, final tests at the end of the year were taken, and Hopper didn't have anything to report.

It was almost as if... they had defeated the Upside Down for good.

Being a kid who was raised in a lab, she never had the luxury of not having to look over her shoulder and keep her instincts sharp for the danger that lurked in every corner. But she had to admit, she found herself enjoying life and not worrying about the bad things that could happen. Life in general was unpredictable, but after surviving the impossible, she felt like she could take a breath and just have her fun this summer.

It was her last summer before high school started, and she and the party agreed that they would make it count. High school... it was a game changer, and the last thing she wanted was for the party to split up. But in every high school movie she's seen, that's what always happens.

She knew it, the boys knew it, Max knew it, and even El knew it.

And so, together they all strived to have the best summer ever. Because once fall comes and they become Freshman, it was only a matter of time before they all go their separate ways.

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