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Chapter Thirty Four:"Forget the rules

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Chapter Thirty Four:
"Forget the rules."

     VIOLET wakes up before Steve leaves for work today

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VIOLET wakes up before Steve leaves for work today. She walks to his door and asks him if they could make breakfast together, since they didn't get the chance last night from her coming home too exhausted from her busy day. Steve sent her a sleepy smile and tells her to let him change first, then he comes down the stairs and meets her in the Kitchen to pick a meal to cook.

They settled on making homemade biscuits, turkey bacon, and apple cinnamon oatmeal. Steve worked on the bacon because the thought of dealing with popping oil scares the shit out of her, and she buttered the biscuits and stirred the oatmeal while the oats boiled in the pot.

When they finish making their food they grab plates, bowls, and fill their glasses with apple juice. Then they meet at the dining table, sitting in the chairs right across from each other, just like they always do.

"So, how did yesterday go?" Steve asked, pulling his biscuit apart.

"It was actually pretty good." Violet replied, pouring a small cup of brown sugar into her oatmeal. "We did have a small incident though."

Steve arched a concerned brow, "There was an incident?"

"Yeah." She stirs her spoon in the bowl and watched the steam lift in the air from the oatmeal. "Me and El had a plan to surprise him, but instead we ended up scaring the living daylights out of him."

Steve's features etched in confusion, "What the hell did you two do?"

"Well..." She trails off, a guilty look crossing her face. "We may or may not have made all of his toys move on their own, leading him to the Living Room where we were gonna jump out and surprise him."

"Tink!" Steve groans exasperatedly, dropping his head into his hands.

"I know!" She whines dramatically, "It was a horrible idea, me and El weren't thinking."

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