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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: "Wednesday Addams

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"Wednesday Addams."

         SLEEP wasn't a luxury that Violet had last night

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SLEEP wasn't a luxury that Violet had last night. Not when her mind was at play and her relentless thoughts were eating away at her brain. She tossed and turned, she even cried herself to sleep before waking up again. She only got a few hours in before her alarm went off, signaling that the next day had come and she had to get up and face her crushing reality.

It felt like there was a huge weight on her chest, like a huge rock that just sat there crushing her lungs underneath. And there was a voice in her head, one that incessantly felt the need to remind her...

"You're gay! You're gay!"

It bothered her, it fucking scared her. The idea of being gay, and only liking girls, it wasn't normal, Violet wasn't normal. From the moment she tapped into her powers, her life had never been the same, she was a freak, an anomaly, and she always would be. And being gay, well that only made her feel like more of a mistake. Of course, she's a lab created weapon, and now she's a godamn lesbian?

She just couldn't catch a damn break. She was already seen as an outcast weirdo at school, being gay would only add to the long list of things to be picked on for.

Obviously, she had no problem or issue with people being gay. It was ultimately none of her business who others decided to love, but now that it was her business because it was her life, she didn't know what to do. She didn't like it, it's not something that she wished to happen, but whether she liked it or not, it's apart of her.

Just like her powers, she had to get used to it. She had to adapt. But more importantly, she had to hide.

Hawkins was a small minded town, and the last things he needed was to become the town pariah if anyone were to find out. Because once they catch a whiff of that, they'll start looking into her background and eventually they'll find out that she's not the second Harrington heir that everyone knew her as.

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