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Chapter Fourty-Seven"nerds and freaks"

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Chapter Fourty-Seven
"nerds and freaks"

Chapter Fourty-Seven"nerds and freaks"

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BEEP... Beep... Bee—

Violet's Friday morning started the same way it always does, with the alarm on her beside blarring it's incessant noise, and her slipping a hand free from her comforter and outstretching it towards the device to shut it off with the sheer will of her sleep muddled mind.

Her arm dropped against the side of her mattress, and her free hand balled into a fist as she scrubs the sleep from her russet eyes. A yawn slips out from her plush rosebud pink lips, and she pushed herself up from her mattress and leaned back on her elbows. As she blinks slowly, her eyes adjusting to the morning brightness, the mouth watering scent of breakfast being cooked on the first floor of the home floods her nostrils.

Her stomach growled as she pushed her comforter from her figure and kicks her legs over the side of her queen sized bed, her bare feet hit the soft carpet as her posture straightened, then she stood on her tiptoes as her hands reach up to the ceiling as a stretch rolled through her body.

Violet's hands fall to her sides as she dropped flat on her feet, then she runs one of them through her messy noirette hair and sluggishly crossed the bedroom to her closet. She pulls the doors open and her eyes scan the clothing on display, she pulls out an outfit and stops at her drawer to grab underwear and a mismatched bra, then she leaves her bedroom and walks down the hall to the bathroom.

After taking a quick and thorough shower she stood in front of the bathroom mirror fully clothed, she was wearing an oversized red and navy blue sweater underneath denim shorts overalls and black tights. There was a comb in her hand as she pulled it through her towl dried raven colored tresses, she pulled off the purple hair tie that sat around her wrist and tied her hair into a ponytail, then she fixed her bangs and shoved the comb in the counter side drawer before she flicks off the bathroom light and left the room.

Violet followed the trailing aroma of breakfast food down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, she finds her brother Steve standing at the stove flipping his infamous cinnamon pancakes with a spatula with his back turned as she slows to a stop at the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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