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CHAPTER TWENTY NINE: "Down The Rabbit Hole

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"Down The Rabbit Hole."

TOGETHER Violet and Max did whatever they could to help Steve

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TOGETHER Violet and Max did whatever they could to help Steve. Since she didn't know how to sew for stitches, they figured the next best thing would be to clean his wounds and place plasters she had in her bag onto the worst of his injuries and leave his split lip as is. All they could do was hope that it won't get infected, cause then he'd really need a hospital, and they don't have the time.

After patching up Steve to the best of their ability, the boys came back and helped she and Max drag his body to the backseat of Billy's blue Camaro. Once Steve was settled in the backseat, sprawled on the laps of herself, Dustin, and Mike in the back, Lucas and Max hop into the front seats of the vehicle. Since the oldest person out of all of them was unconscious and could not drive, the only option they had was Max.

Apparently, she's had driving lessons with her dad in California, and since they had no other choice, Violet wasn't going to question it or her. Not to mention, she had Billy's keys, she had the final say on who drives the car.

Now, she wouldn't say that Max is the worst driver, but she wouldn't say she's the best either. She swerves too hard on the turns, she steps on the brake entirely too hard, to the point where Violet has to physically refrain from braining herself on the front seat from her slamming on the pedal.

To say she's shocked that they're not dead yet is a huge understatement.

She's holding an icepack to her brother's swollen temples when she noticed slight movement under her hand, her gaze moves down to him as she watched him stir himself awake from his unconscious state. She removes the bag of ice as he turns his head, glancing over at Mike who hadn't paid attention to him till the last second.

Steve's brows furrowed, "Nancy?"

Mike's face twists in disgust, she can't help the snort that escapes her.

Violet shook her head, reapplying the bag of ice to his temples. "Nancy and Mike look absolutely nothing alike, dumbass."

A long groan tumbles from Steve's lips, his eyes clamp shut as he reached to touch his own face, but Dustin gently pushes his hand away. "No, don't touch it." He warns him, Steve looks over at him with a dazed look in his eyes. "Shh... hey, buddy. It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight."

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