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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: "Who Cares What Mike Likes?"

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"Who Cares What Mike Likes?"

        THE school day came to a swift end, and Violet was stood at her locker

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        THE school day came to a swift end, and Violet was stood at her locker. She shoves her school books and folder into her bag and zipped it up, and when she was done she closed the locker. But what she didn't know was that behind said locker, stood a hurricane of red hair and ocean blue eyes. So when she sees her standing there, she jumps back in surprise.

"Holy shit!" She cried out, holding a hand to her racing heart. "Fuck, a little warning would've been nice."

Max stood there unamused, her pale and freckled features blank. "Those creeps friends of yours?"

Violet's brows knitted in confusion, "Creeps?" It took her a second to remember what she was talking about, then it hit her. "Oh. The boys from recess. Yeah, yes." She nodded slowly, "Unfortunately." She seals her lips tight, "I'm sorry about them. I guess they're just a bit curious, we rarely get new people in Hawkins. Especially not girls like you."

Max's ginger brows raised, "Girls like me? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I-It's not a bad thing!" Violet hastily replied, "It's just that, you're from California. And you skateboard. We don't have anyone like that here. I mean, why would a girl as cool as you come to a boring town like Hawkins? I don't know if you noticed, but this place is a pretty shit."

"Trust me." Max's eyes rolled, "I've noticed." She adjusts her skateboard board under her arm as she arched a brow, "So, you think I'm cool?"

Violet blinked. Once, twice.

There goes that zoo in her stomach feeling again, fuck.

"Uh, yeah." She nods jerkily, "I saw you on your skateboard." Her eyes flicker down to the board under her arm, "It was... really awesome."

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDWhere stories live. Discover now