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CHAPTER FOURTEEN: "Undefeated, Yet Again!"

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"Undefeated, Yet Again!"

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: "Undefeated, Yet Again!"

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VIOLET Harrington's bedroom looked as if a tornado came through. She had thrown all of her clothes in every single direction, shirt and pants plastic hangers accompanying them all over her carpet floors. She was struggling to find something to wear tonight, she and the boys were headed to the town's local arcade. It was a regularly scheduled every other Sunday night tradition they had.

The Sundays when they weren't at the arcade, she was holed up in Mike's basement watching the boys play a long game of D&D.

But tonight was arcade night.

As she was mid-search, she heard the familiar crackle of static coming from her walkie on her desk, then came in the voice of her best friend Dustin.

"Lucas, Vi, you copy?" Dustin asked on the other end, "I've got four quarters. What's your haul?"

Violet huffs out a breath and held out her hand to bring the walkie to her, it levitates towards her in mere seconds and she pulls out the antenna. "I've got 10 left from the last time we went to the arcade."

"Why am I not surprised? You practically live at the arcade, Vi." Dustin responded.

Violet blows a stray hair out of her face, "Yeah, well, it's better than being alone in this empty ass house all the time."

"Take your puny haul and multiply it by five." Lucas' voice comes in.

Violet's eyes grew, "What? How do you have more than me?"

"While you were stealing coins you found in your brother's room, and Dustin was probably scouring around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Humphrey's lawn." Lucas boasted.

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