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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: "Really Glad You're Back

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"Really Glad You're Back."

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VIOLET and the boys had moved from the classroom and made their way down the hall, once they got outside of the school, all of them sat on the curb as they waited for the police to come from all the shooting. They were each hit with bright car headlights as two cars pulled up to the middle school building.

One car she knew was the one that Nancy and Jonathan came in, but the other one looked to be her brother's burgundy BMW. But that couldn't be right, could it? Why would Steve be here? And more importantly, why the hell did Nancy and Jonathan bring him with them?

Despite all of the questions running through her mind, none of them mattered anymore once she saw Steve climb out of his car. She quickly shot up from the curb and made a run for it, and when she got to him she threw her arms around his waist.

As she began to cry into his shirt, Steve didn't say a word, he just knelt down to meet her small height and wrapped his arms around her frame. He held her tightly as fell apart in his arms, clinging onto him with her face tucked in his shoulder.

Eventually she did manage stop crying, and just in the nick of time from all of their radios came a voice, it was the chief. He told them that he and Joyce have Will, and that they're heading to the hospital. Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan round up Violet and the boys, and they get them into their cars and take off before the police can come and begin their investigating and ask them any questions.

Questions they couldn't answer, because no one in their right mind would believe them anyway.

When they arrived at the hospital, they were told to sit in the waiting room to see Will. And when they walked into the room Joyce the Chief immediately waved them over and began to explain what happened when they went into the Upside Down once they all sat down.

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