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CHAPTER FIVE: "The Monster Killer

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"The Monster Killer."

THE next morning Violet is in a rush, she quickly gets dressed in one of her marvel t-shirts, a jeans skirt, and tights under them before lacing up her chucks and styling her hair into a messy ponytail

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THE next morning Violet is in a rush, she quickly gets dressed in one of her marvel t-shirts, a jeans skirt, and tights under them before lacing up her chucks and styling her hair into a messy ponytail. She decides to skip breakfast, and she scrubs her teeth clean before grabbing her backpack and her signature purple jacket, she beats Steve to the front door and runs out to the garage and grabs her bike.

She leaves before him and makes her way to Mike's place. That morning she woke up to Mike calling her over and over again on the walkie and demanding that she meet him and the other boys before school, so they could talk about making a plan to help Will.

After receiving the information that El had given them about Will, it was clear as day that Will really needed the party's help. And though she wasn't technically in the party, the boys had considered her to be a spectator, meaning she was just as important as they were. When she arrived at Mike's house, she parked her bike in the back and walked in through the basement back door.

"Hey, guys." She greeted them, walking over to the table where Dustin, Mike and Lucas were. She looks over at El who's sitting on the couch who's fiddling with Mike's walkie-talkie. "Morning, El."

El looks up and smiles, "Morning, Violet."

"Okay, so, what's the plan?" She asked, glancing over at the boys. "When are we doing this?"

"We just tell our parents we have AV Club after school." Mike explained, "That'll give us atleast a few hours for Operation Mirkwood."

"You seriously think that the weirdo knows where Will is?" Lucas questioned.

"Just trust me on this, okay?" Mike persuaded.

Lucas sighs, "Okay."

"Did you get the supplies?" Mike asked him.

"Yeah." Lucas opens up his bag and begins pulling items out. "Binoculars... from 'Nam. Army knife... also from 'Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandanna... and the wrist rocket." He holds it up in in his hand with a giddy smile.

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