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CHAPTER SIX: "Will Is Alive

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"Will Is Alive."

THE first thing that Violet did when she woke up the next morning, was go to her brother's door and bang her fist on his door

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THE first thing that Violet did when she woke up the next morning, was go to her brother's door and bang her fist on his door. He stumbled out in his pajama pants with his hair in every direction as he rubbed his eyes, then she told him that her best friend Will Byers who was missing was now was found dead last night.

Of course she was lying, because she knew that thanks to Eleven that he was very much alive, but she needed someone to call and tell the school that she wasn't gonna show up again.

She didn't expect much of a reaction from Steve, cause as far as she knew she could get hit by a car and he wouldn't bat an eyelash. But what he did do... shocked her immensely. He knelt down and pulled her into a hug, his hand gently grabs the back of her head as she stood there frozen in his arms with her eyes wide as the moon.

"I'm really sorry about that, kiddo." He says gently, and to her surprise, genuinely. "I know how important your friends are to you, I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through right now."

"Yeah..." She hesitantly wraps her arms around him. "I cried so much that my head is killing me. And my stomach... it just hurts so bad. I don't think I can go to school today."

Steve scoffed, pulling back to look at her as he held her shoulders. "As if you were going to school, today, Violet." He shakes his head, "No way, you're staying home. I'll talk to your principal when I get to school, okay?"

She nods, "Okay." She nibbles at her lower lip, not knowing what else to say, then she here's a thump sound coming from her room.

Steve's brows furrowed, "What was that?"

"Nothing!" She replied quickly, "I um, I think my walkie-talkie just fell off my desk. That's all." She shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably, "So uhm, I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDWhere stories live. Discover now