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CHAPTER TEN: "We're Fugitives Now"

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"We're Fugitives Now"

VIOLET and Lucas were in a race against the clock, or more specifically, a race against Martin Brenner and the bad men from Hawkins Lab

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VIOLET and Lucas were in a race against the clock, or more specifically, a race against Martin Brenner and the bad men from Hawkins Lab. They pedaled as fast and hard as their legs could go, and their bikes carried them from the woods surrounding the lab and into Mike's neighborhood as they walkied him over and over on a desperate loop to warn him that they were coming for them.

Violet was riddled with worry.

If Brenner was in the neighborhood with the Hawkins Energy vans, then that meant that El had to have been found by Mike and was with him.
And that meant he was out looking for her, to take her back to the lab, and she couldn't let that happen. She wasn't gonna let them take her back to that hellhole, if they wanted El back then they'd have to kill her themselves. Because the only way they would get her is over her own dead body.

Violet wasn't going down without a fight.

"Guys! Pick up!" Lucas screamed into the walkie on his handlebars. "Mike, Dustin, anybody! Pick up!"

"Eleven is in trouble!" Violet yelled into her own walkie, "They're coming for you guys!"

"Answer, damn it!" Lucas stressed as he panted heavily, "Son of bitch!"

"Mike!" She cried out loudly, "We need you to answer us!"

"Lucas, Vi, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you." Mike replied on the other end.

"Shit." Violet pants out, "We must be out of range."

"Yes, we copy!" Lucas immediately responded, "Do you? They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming!"

"You guys have to get out of there, now!" Violet told them slowly like Mike asked, "The bad men are coming! Do you read me? The bad men are coming!"

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDWhere stories live. Discover now