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Chapter Forty: "You both are insufferable

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Chapter Forty:
"You both are insufferable."

     ANOTHER night of Violet and the party having to experience something horrendous and nightmare fueling, and none of them felt comfortable enough going back home

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ANOTHER night of Violet and the party having to experience something horrendous and nightmare fueling, and none of them felt comfortable enough going back home. They camp out in the Wheeler home's basement again, only this time Nancy and Jonathan have joined them and share the sofa.

The next morning rolls around and Mrs. Wheeler was generous enough to make them all breakfast again, then they all took turns to shower before heading out and climbing into Mrs. Wheeler's car which she had graciously loaned to Nancy.

All she had to do was tell her mom she was taking Violet and the others to the carnival tonight, then she's handed the keys and told to enjoy herself before she left.

With all of their bikes propped on the bike carrier of Mrs. Wheeler's car, Nancy pulls out of the driveway and made a few stops to each of their houses. They rush inside and change their clothes, then they'd come back and hop in the car before Nancy stepped on the accelerator.

Violet, Max, and El made their change quick once they were inside of the empty Mayfield home, having already showered back at Mike's place making things easier. She's the last person to get ready as she stood infront of the bathroom mirror, she was sporting a long sleeved NIKE red  and blue training polo, blue denim shorts, striped red thigh high socks, and her red pair of Chucks.

She quickly brushed and flossed her teeth before getting started on her hair, although there wasn't much she wanted to the glossy raven waves. She quickly decided to throw her hair into a messy bun, then she ties her spare red bandanna around the crown of her head.

She adjusts the messy bun one last time for good measure, then she heard the sound of soft knuckles rapping on the door. Knowing that meant they had to go, she flicks off the bathroom light and exits the room as she heads back to Max's room to grab her overnight bag and her spare backpack. Once the trio gather their belongings, they rush out of the Mayfield home and climb into Nancy's station wagon with the party and Jonathan.

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