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"I'm Not Evil."

SURPRISINGLY, Violet had the pleasure of not being woken up from her peaceful slumber

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SURPRISINGLY, Violet had the pleasure of not being woken up from her peaceful slumber. However, her walkie screeched lowly from her desk where it was say charging as soon as her thick lashes fluttered and her eyes opened. A low and groggy groan tumbled from her lips, and she rolled out of bed and her frame gracefully hit the floor.

And by gracefully, she means she full on slammed to the floor with a slight moan of pain.

For a few moments she just laid there on the floor, with her hand rested on her abdomen. Then, she raised up to her feet, and walked over to her desk where the walkie continues to screech at the low volume level she left it on. Her stomach growls as she picks up the walkie, and she leaves her room and heads down the steps.

It's only when she gets to the kitchen that she stops to turn the volume up on her walkie, and when she looks up as it screeched loudly she realized the kitchen is empty and there is no sign of food, not even a lingering aroma. It wasn't strange for Steve to not have made breakfast, sometimes he forgets, which is fine.

Nothing like a hearty bowl of cereal to get the job done.

However, it's Sunday.

He should be home by now, and by the looks of it, he was nowhere to be found. As a frown tilts her lips down, she caught the sound of Dustin's voice on her walkie.

"Well, well, look who it is." Dustin spoke, his words condensing.

Violet held down the button, "You sound pissed, is it pointed at me too?"

"Yup, you too, Vi." Dustin replied.

She sighs heavily, "Shit. I'm sorry, I was sleeping all day. You know what happens on Sunday, it's my sleep in day."

Teenage Calamity ━━ MAYFIELDWhere stories live. Discover now