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Chapter Fourty Six: "Make the best of this"

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Chapter Fourty Six:
"Make the best of this"

Chapter Fourty Six: "Make the best of this"

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THE last three months have been excruciatingly difficult for Violet Harrington, for a number of different reasons.

The obvious reasons, two very long weeks of bedrest, which in her opinion really felt like two months, —okay, maybe she's being a little dramatic, but she was bored out of her mind at home all day for fourteen days— then she spent four more weeks with a cast on her wrist, and she had to start school with her prominent hand messed up.

Not to be insensitive or anything, but out of both wrists for Billy to have broken, did it really have to be the one she writes with? And she thought doing school work and homework was tedious before, but doing it with a broken wrist was nearly impossible. And her teachers were assholes, so that certainly didn't help.

She thought that would be the hardest thing she'd have to go through for the time being, but of course, life served her a swift kick in the teeth when El and Will got the party together and told them that they were moving. And not moving to a different house, but instead, to a different state.

California to be exact, which was halfway across the country and over a thousand miles away from Hakwins Indiana, and over a thousand miles away from Violet and the rest of their party.

It felt like a rug was snatched out from underneath her, and now she was left on the ground with a sore ass and a broken heart. Violet was losing both her best friends in one fell swoop, and there was nothing that she could do about it.

Literally, there was nothing she could do. The Byers family had to leave due to the strict instructions of Dr. Owens. With the Russians having invaded Hawkins, and the government sticking their noses in everything, El was in more danger than ever staying in Hawkins. So they had no choice, they had to go where the government would hopefully never find her.

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