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CHAPTER TWENTY THREE: "Do You Accept The Risk?"

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"Do You Accept The Risk?"

CHAPTER TWENTY THREE: "Do You Accept The Risk?"

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VIOLET Harrington had a long day ahead of her. And what a lovely way to wake up than feeling someone shake you out of your slumber. She instantly knew it was Steve, and honestly, her first thought was to raise a hand from her comforter, curl her fingers, and send him flying right back out that bedroom door. With a whoosh and a slam, and a click of the lock for good measure.

Of course she'd never do that, it was just a thought. A very restless riddled thought.

As soon as she pried her eyes open, rubbing them with her fist and probably resembling a toddler, she felt her bed dip. Steve had dropped onto the mattress, his hair was in disarray, his honey brown eyes of his were wide with what she could only detect as panic, and seeing him like that only made her panic.

Suddenly she was wide awake, she quickly shot up, eyes growing big as she rest her hands on his bare set of shoulders. "Steve, what's wrong? What the hell happened?"

Steve's brows wrinkled, his features washed with confusion. "Whoa, hey! There's nothing wrong. I just..." His cheeks flame red, he looks down at his lap sheepishly. "I just wanted your help on figuring out how to get Nance back."

Violet blinked, once, twice. Then, she took her digit and thumped Steve right in the forehead. Only except, there was bite to it as she called to her powers, and that small flick sent him tumbling off the bed and hitting the ground on his backside.

"Ow!" Steve yelped, narrowing his eyes at his sister. "Why?!"

"Why?!" Violet scoffed, pushing her comforter off her body as she rose to her feet. "Because you shook me awake at—" She checks the clock on her beside table, and she grew angrier once she sees the time. "12:44 P.M., you looked like something was wrong, and you scared me. And you do all of this because you need help getting Nancy to take you back? You tell me why you didn't deserve that thump on the head, Steve."

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