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"No More Hiding."

     TWO weeks had gone by since that harrowing night

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TWO weeks had gone by since that harrowing night. The gate had been closed, according to Chief Hopper — who'd been keeping a close eye around the town — there has not been a rotten diseased crop nor a Demo-dog in sight. And lastly, as far as she knew Will was Upside Down episode free and back to being his happy-go-lucky self.

Their lives had gone back to normal again, almost as if nothing had ever happened at all. And while the entire town was completely oblivious to just how royally screwed they almost were, she and the others knew, they would always know.

They would never forget that night.

Each of their lives fell into some sense of normalcy. Mike drops his stubborn hesitancy to let Max join the party, she starts hanging out with them nearly everyday after school as well as the weekends. Violet bikes over to Hopper's cabin to see El a few times a week, only when Mike isn't spending hours with her and driving Hopper up the godamn wall.

He sees her more than she does, it's actually insane.

Lucas is getting into basketball, he and Violet go to the local Hawkins court together a few times a week after school. He plans to try out for the Hawkins High Basketball team when they graduate from middle school and become high school freshmen next fall.

He's wary about going on his own, and Violet is always there to support him on the metal bleachers. While Hawkins may be a small town where so called "nothing ever happens", there is quite the amount of bigoted and ignorant townsfolk who would love nothing more than to harass and attack him for the color of his skin. While she may be there for support, she is also there to protect him if the situation called for it.

When she's not with Lucas after school, she's with Dustin. He'd been giving her tutoring lessons for Science and Math.

While Mr. Clarke definitely adores her and the boys, with each year that passed by her grades had proved to only get increasingly worse in both her science and math classes. She was very aware that the boys are all much smarter than her, and she's totally okay with not being a super genius like they are.

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