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"Under The Stars."

     THE Snowball dance, the night that every young-teen in Hawkins Middle had been waiting for

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     THE Snowball dance, the night that every young-teen in Hawkins Middle had been waiting for. The one night where all the girls get dolled up to impress the boys, and the boys put on their best suit and fancy shoes to impress the girls. The one night where you dance with your crushes, and boyfriends and girlfriends, and you get as close as you can during a slow dance without the worry of pissing off teachers.

Violet would rather stab herself in the eye with a fork than go to the Snow Ball dance tonight.

The very idea of going tonight leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, the last thing she wanted to do was spent a night at school watching her other classmates who were normal and heterosexual dancing with each other without a care in the world.

Meanwhile, she had to stand there and watch as everyone enjoyed themselves. Being free, happy, and dancing the night away. She couldn't have that happiness or freedom, no matter how much she wants it.

It simply wasn't allowed.

So it was safe to say that she was less than thrilled about going tonight, but she had already promised the boys and her parents that she would go. And while the boys would completely understand her not wanting to come, her parents on the other hand, they would not. Being a Harrington means you have one specific rule that you must always abide by.

Appearances. Are. Everything.

Her father owns businesses in town, and he was CEO of a handful of companies across the U.S. under the Harrington name. Her mother was a trophy wife, but also a criminal defense attorney.

To everyone in Hawkins their family was nothing short of perfection, hard working parents and their two perfect kids. Steve Harrington, and the second heir that they both so generously saved from the adoption system and welcomed into their golden spoon family.

Little did anyone beyond their small circle know that their family was anything but perfect. But the citizens of Hawkins couldn't know that, so skipping public events such as a school dance was not an option for Violet. She had to show her face and make sure that everyone was aware just how much the Harrington line we're thriving.

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