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CHAPTER TWENTY: "Is This Nerd Shit?"

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"Is This Nerd Shit?"

CHAPTER TWENTY: "Is This Nerd Shit?"

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     VIOLET'S mind was in shambles. The chance of her being able to focus and pay attention in the rest of her classes were gone, flown right out the godamn window. What Will had revealed to her in the halls after lunch was playing on an endless loop in her brain, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it. The thought process was driving her crazy, and she needs the godforsaken last bell to ring already.

What Will told her a couple hours ago set off so many alarm bells in her head that it's crazy, apparently he thinks that Dart has something to do with the Upside Down because he coughed up a slug last year that was strangely identical to it. And that is why he was so on edge when they left the AV room earlier. When she took a step back and put all of the pieces together, she could see why he would think that, and it scared the absolute shit out of her.

Out of nowhere Dustin winds up with this creepy slug creature, who they know is not like any slug in the entirety of the normal world, and now it's triggering Will? She already knows that Will has this... insight to the Upside Down since he's been there for seven straight days. He of all people would know if Dart was from the Upside Down.

And she trusted his word.

But here was the problem, Dustin was so incredibly fond of the creature. And if Will was right —which she knew that he was— they would have no choice but to get rid of Dart. And as much as she hated the thought of having to betray her best friend, it was imperative that they eliminate the creature before it was too late.

There's no way of telling what that thing really was, it could be a baby Demogorgon for all they knew. She wasn't willing to wait for it to grow into a full grown monster, she was not gonna take that chance.

The second that final bell echoed in her ears, she gathers her belongings and high tailed it out of the room. She made a beeline for her locker and quickly stuffed her school items inside her bag, then she quickly slammed the compartment closed and crossed the hall to Will's locker.

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