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Chapter Fourty Two: "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!"

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Chapter Fourty Two:
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!"

     THEIR arrival to Star Court Mall was a lot smoother than the one at the store, and by that she means she hadn't gotten whiplash from Nancy's driving

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THEIR arrival to Star Court Mall was a lot smoother than the one at the store, and by that she means she hadn't gotten whiplash from Nancy's driving.

The group of eight clambered out of the Nancy's station wagon, they all begin their trek towards the entrance of the mall. As they walk through the slide doors, Violet's velvet brown eyed gaze wanders the vicinity of the mall. Judging by how dark it was outside when they arrived, she knew it was around the time the mall would close for the night.

As they walked she falls behind a bit, she noticed people rushing past and making their way to the doors, but before they could leave strange men with cold exteriors would stop them before they went. It was strange because she hadn't seen these men before, and she'd been at the mall more times than she could count on one hand this summer.

Did the mall get new security on a whim?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a slight tug on her hand, she turned and faced Max whose brows were furrowed in concern. "Vi, are you okay?"

Violet peers back at one of the men at the doors, they met eyes for a moment and a roll of chills rushed down her spine as she turns to Max again. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine."

Max didn't look convinced, but she nodded anyway. "Okay, come on. We gotta get to the movie theaters and catch Dustin before he leaves like everybody else."

Violet nods, "Okay, yeah. Let's go."

After the couple catch up with the others who had walked ahead, they head up the escalator to get to the second floor of the mall. As they walked through the crowd that's leaving the movie theaters, she sees more of the same men who were at the doors downstairs. Discomfort sits in the pit of her stomach as she walks past them, there's just something about these new security guys posted up, they give her a bad feeling.

But her focus is finding Dustin and her brother, so she ignores that feeling and keeps up with the rest of the group as they make their way through the move theaters. El leads the way as they walk through the hall, with the posters of movies hung on the wall. She told them that Dustin was in the theater for Back To The Future, a movie they'd all seen together this summer. But after a quick look in there, they realize that he must have left with everyone else.

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