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Chapter Thirty Seven: "Catch us if you can!"

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Chapter Thirty Seven:
"Catch us if you can!"

     "MAX, do you copy? I repeat, this is a code red

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     "MAX, do you copy? I repeat, this is a code red." An all too familiar voice alerts loudly through the walkie, ripping Violet out of her much needed slumber, making an annoyed groan slip from her lips. She tucks her head deep into the pillow beneath her, wishing the Sinclair boy would shut the hell up. "Max, do you copy? This is a code red."

"M, shut him up." Violet moans tiredly, clamping her eyes shut.

"Max, do you copy? This is a code red." Lucas repeats incessantly.

Max scoffs lowly as she leans over the edge of the end, reaching for the walkie she left abandoned on the floor the night prior. She plucks the walkie from the ground and pressed the button on the side of the walkie to speak. "Shut up." She slammed the antenna into the device, turned off the walkie, and set it on the side table before turning back and trying to get back to her interrupted sleep.

Violet feels El begin to stir beside her, she opens her eyes to find the doe eyed girl rubbing her eye with her fist as she slowly sat up. "What happened?" She asked sleepily.

Violet shook her head, "Nothing, just go back to sleep." El nodded her head wordlessly, falling back to the pillow beneath her and fluttering her eyes shut to get back to sleep.

Eventually, Violet managed to fall back asleep herself. But that only lasts for about five minutes before she's startled awake by yet another loud interruption. Instead of a voice this time, it's Max's telephone. She should have known the boys would call her phone if she happened to turn off her walkie, even though she wants her sleep so damn badly, Lucas did say it was a code red.

And code red's are a big deal.

And so with that in mind, she forced her sluggish body up from the bed and she stumbled to the phone and picked it up. "What's up?" She asks, glancing over at Max who's peering over her shoulder in bed.

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