The Round Up

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Dedicated to oyens_015

Pic of Adam

Chapter Thirty

Adams POV

"What the hell Amber?!" I yelled again.

"Don't you dare Prince Adam! You don't know what it's like for me!" Amber yelled.

"You want me to kill you! You think I don't know what it's like for you? Try being me! Everyone expects me to be damn well perfect! I live everyday looking over my back for someone to run an tell everyone what I do!" I yelled.

"You are a Prince! You have been sheltered for all you're life!" She snapped. "You don't know what it's like to go hungry or be so cold you can't get warm because you don't have anything to get warm with!"

"I'm not going to kill you." I stated.

She sighed, "Okay."

"Are you going to give up on your plan to get someone to kill you?" I asked sadly.

Amber locked her glaze with mine, "No."

Before I could scream at her more there was a knock on my door. I starred at Amber signaling for her to be quiet, that our talk wasn't over. Instead of listening to me she got off my bed and walked to the door.

I rushed over to her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving, you have an visitor." She replied.

"I don't want you to go." I creased her cheek.

"No one can know Adam." She whispered then place a kiss soft as a feather on my lips.

Amber opened the door and walked out, I watched her go.

"Brother?" Avery frowned at me.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I have news, big top secret news." Avery walked past me.

All thoughts of Amber an her death mission vanished from my thoughts...for the time being.

Ambers POV

Walking away from Adam had my heart heavy. I didn't want to leave but I couldn't stay. I had to for fill my plan. The Kind would understand and would grant me for what I wished. Walking to the Kings office I was stopped by a guard.

"What are you doing here?" The guard asked, "Do you have business with the king?"

I nodded, "Yes. I have some information to give him."

The guard looked up and down me, as if searching for a weapon I had hid. When he didn't see anything he let me in.

"Your Highness." I bowed when the guard annoyed my presence.

I stayed bowed until the King addressed me.

"You may rise." He spoke with power.

I stood up straight, "I have information for you and a...request."

One of the Kings brows rose, "A request from a house maid?"

I nodded, not making eye contact with him.

Adams POV

"So your soul mate is a man named Blade with two identities and a murder?" I asked confused and shocked.

"Yup." She sighed. "Not a murder though."

I breathed in all the information Avery told me. She explained how she meet this Blade guy at our birthday party. The late nights she snuck out to meet him, how she had just left from seeing him on our shift day, the day I ran into her. I wasn't to happy with her seeing him alone without anyone knowing but I couldn't change the past.

"There's another huge part to this." Avery sighed, you see her mind swirling with many thoughts.

"Okay?" I whispered, readying myself.

"I will only know who he is by this," Avery pulls out a dagger.

"What the hell sis!" I screamed which seems to be coming out of my mouth a lot tonight. "Where did you get that?"

"He gave it to me. He has a sword identical to this." She explained.

I took the small dagger out of her hands, the blade was steel, the most strong form.

"So what are you supposed to do with this? Find someone for a sacrifice and kill them?"

My mind raced to Amber and her attempt to be killed.

"I cut the palm of whoever I think is him in his original form." She sighed and rubbed her temples.

"How will you know it's him?" I asked.

"The blade will turn red." She answered.

"Why did you just now decide to come to me? Why not before?" I felt a little betrayed.

"Because I wanted to make sure he was my soul mate." She looked up at me and I knew this has been hard on Avery by her eyes.

"What do I need to do?" I asked.

Avery looked confused, "What?"

"What do I need to do to help you find him?" I said.

Avery searched me to see if I was being serious or not.

"We need to round up the guys closest to me." Avery murmured.

"Okay, let's do this." I said. "Avery I have to get Will and Jake to help."

She nodded, "Let's just hurry so I can get my soul mate and help Maddy and Boyd."

Ambers POV

"So you want me to kill you?" The king asked, serious.

"Yes." I replied certain.

"No." The king stood quickly, angered.

I blinked, confused by his sudden outburst.

"What?" I frantically replied, "Why?!"

"Because you are important girl." He snapped, "Your important to my grandson and I will not let your pathetic excuse ruin that. My grandchildren, the twins can not turn another human."

"But," My brows furrowed, "Adam changed me."

"An that could only mean one thing." He straightened his gold shirt.

"One thing?" I repeated.

"Your his soul mate and that means Avery is close to finding hers to. Adam doesn't know your his soup mate because Avery's mate is cursed." The King explained.

"I don't understand." I replied, taking a step closer to me.

"You don't need to." He answered, "You only need to understand is that you're Adams soul mate and you won't be telling him until the time comes."

"How will I know the right time?" My voice croaked.

His eyes locked with mine, "You'll know."

I added a lot of new things to this chapter :)

Hope you liked it!!!!!

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