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Dedicated to JesseFejeran

Chapter Twenty Five

Avery's POV

"I don't like poems." Jake whined.

"Come on guys think!" I yelled.

"What could this mean?" Adam frowned.

"Read it again." Will said.


the wolf claims,

Sleeping with life nightmares,

Only the Angel's tainted soul,

Coming together will awaken the froze,

Unmask the hidden will be her fate,

Only mates can be complete,

Within the background he will rise,

Hand in hand will the sun shine,

Friends and family will battle,

Only the Wise will bring the peace." I read.

"Okay frozen has to be Maddy." Adam said.

Will added, "Sleeping with nightmares might be her too."

"So from frozen to the nightmares could be Maddy." Will said.

"What about the rest?" I crossed my arms leaning more into Adams sofa.

"Angels tainted soul...theres only two angels I know." Will said.

They all looked at me.

"Me?" I frowned, "But my souls not tainted."

"Read the next four lines." Will handed me the paper.

Only the Angel's tainted soul,

Coming together will awaken the froze,

Unmask the hidden will be her fate,

Only mates can be complete,

"Maybe it's not your soul, but your soul mates soul." Will said.

"But I don't know who my soul mate is! I haven't even meet him!" I yelled at them.


"That's true." Adam nodded.

"The next two lines sounds like one person." Will added.

Within the background he will rise,

Hand in hand will the sun shine,

"Rise?" Jake asked. "What does that mean?"

"We don't know dumbaśś that's what were trying to do right now." Will replied.

Adam smacked Jake in the back of the head.

"Ow." Jake whined.

"Come on guys we need to figure this out." Will barked."This isn't the time for games."

"What's the rest of it?" Jake asked.

Friends and family will battle,

Only the Wise will bring the peace

"The wise?" Jake asked.

"Friends and family will battle." Adam quoted.

"That means us." I answered, "Our family will fight."

"With who?" Will asked.

I looked at Adam, we shared an silent agreement.

"With one another." Adam said.

"Maybe it's not with one another though." Will added.

"Maybe it's within ourselves?" Jake mumbled.

We all blinked at him.

"That is the most smart thing I have heard you say in a long time." Adam said completely serious.

"However it could be someone else to." Will spoke up.

"Mom said it was Maddy's choice to wake up so maybe it is ourselves."


Anyways VOTE!







To help me get new chapters up I need feedback! Tell me what u want to happen and what you love about my story!!!!


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