Important A/N! Please read!!!!

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Angel's Blade will be completed soon! 3-4 more chapters and it's done!

I've been putting it off for a while now because I didn't feel right ending it yet. But this week all your unanswered question will be answered. I hope that you all have enjoyed reading it.

I've been very emotional about the ending because Angel of Life was my firsts book on Wattpad, and
Angel's Blade being the second. Both books have a connection to my personal life and experiences.

Angel Of Life's personal connection: because of my miscarriages and the goodbyes it held. Loosing a friend because they choose a different path. Facing all the things that I could have well right changed my self but always stayed true to who I was. The changes of homes, people I surrounded myself with, and finding things I didn't want to find about others. Also, accepting who I was meant to be and had to be in order to keep living right for myself.

I feel that I have grown as a writer,
and have grown to write different things. I have grown forward from writing Angel of Life and Angel's Blade.

Angel's Blade connection: because I fell in love with one man but he seemed to be two different people. I had to unmask who he really was. I had to see past his secrets. I became more independent but I gained more support from my family. I came to accept who the love of my life was. I moved forward from who I wanted him to be. Because you can't change people, you have to let them be who they are.

That being said I hope you all feel that the story's ending was right and love it. Thank you all for supporting me and all your reads, votes, and comments. It means everything to me that you guys have invested in me and my works.

Thank you all for everything!


Angel's Blade #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now