Is He Blade?

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A/n- For anyone who needs a book cover pm me! I can make you one hell of a awesome cover! Pm me details like genre ex. Werewolf, vampire, etc. Have a cast picked? Tell me! Promise I won't disappoint you ;) if you want examples of what I can make then go to my page and find the book labeled "BOOK COVERS I MADE / My Book Covers & BOOK COVERS I MADE TWO/ My Book Covers Two" under my works :)


Chapter Thirty One

Pic of Avery & and see!

Ambers POV

Before I left the kings chambers I needed to know one thing.

"If you know Avery's mate is cursed, then do you know who it is?"

He started at me, "I do."

"If I.." I sighed, "If I help her find her soup mate will Adam know I'm his?"

The King eyed me, granting me a small smile. "Yes."

With that he began to explain what I could do to help Avery.

Avery's POV

I felt stupid for having myself think it was him. The one who destroyed my heart and my world of what I thought was love. Him out of all others, but I had to be sure. I had to know it's not him or if it is him.


The boy who lied to me and cheated on me unknowing how many times. I leaned myself into the counter calming myself.

"Are you sure about this?" Will frowned at me.

I nodded, "I have to be sure. Star says he isn't but I need to make sure."

"Sis you know if she thinks it's not then it can't be." Adam spoke.

"The curse hides certain things. It could be blocking all we will feel for him." I injected whatever anyone else had to add.

Adam nodded but I knew he didn't like the idea of Drake possibly being my mate after all he put me through in the past. But it is exactly that, the past if he isn't Blade.

"He's waiting." Jake walked in.

"Okay." I sighed.

I walked out of the kitchen, my boys watching me go.


"So you've come to your senses? You want me back?" His grin mocked me.

"Shut up Drake." I warned, "Give me your hand."

He gave me a curious look, "Whatever for?"

"Just give me your damn hand, palm up." I hissed.

I had the dagger place in the back of my pants safely. If I had to I would force him to, I have to know if he is Blade.

"I don't think so." He said, taking a step back.

I took a dangerous step forward, "Just give me your hand."

He shook his head stepping back twice more.

"Don't make this any harder." I used Stars power to get my point across.

"Why do you want my hand?" He snapped hating the domanice in my voice.

"Just give me your damn hand!" I yelled.

I felt my power radiate all around me causing him to freeze. I quickly took advantage and darted out to snatch his wrists. Before Drake could realize I had him in grasp I cut his palm deeper then needed. His blood soaking the sharp tip of the dagger.

He hissed and pushed me away and I let him. I had what I needed, I starred at the daggers blade. The dagger began to glow with a mix of red and black. I didn't take my eyes off it, not even once. I could hear Drake saying something but I couldn't make out the words. My only thought was, is he Blade? Is he my soul mate?

I was to content with what color of the daggers blade was. Black. The blade was black confirming Drake isn't Blade. I quickly ran out of the room, dashing to the sink in the kitchen. I cleaned Drakes blood off my dagger.

"Well?" Adam forced the question out.

I took a deep breathe and shook my head, "He isn't him."

My boys let out a breathe I'm sure they've been holding for awhile.

"Get him out of here." Adam ordered Jake and Will.

They quickly went to escort Drake out of our kingdom, our home. I tucked the dagger back inside my pants waist band. Tears stormed in my eyes and I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness. Not sad that Drake wasn't my soul mate, wasn't my Blade but because I only have two more chances to find him. If I don't get at least the last one right then I will never know who he is.

"Are you okay?" Adam frowned.

"I'm fine. Its time to move on." I sighed.

"We will find him." Adam assured.

He wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"We have to find him Adam. If not then Maddy might never wake up." I groaned upset and frustrated.

"Don't lose hope." Adam whispered.








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