Helping Her

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Pic of Amber

Chapter Fifteen

Adams POV

Waking up the next morning was hell. My arms or legs were like heavy bricks I had to drag around. The lack of blood was taking its toll. My muscles were stiff. Damn I needed blood. My vampire was starting to weaken hardcore. Maybe I could sneak a little blood this morning.

No you idiot then our shifts will be harder! Stark yelled.

Damn dude, don't be so loud. Your in my head. I can hear you pretty damn clear. I growled.

It wouldn't be fair to drink blood. Sis isn't doing so well neither.

Ok ok. I won't drink any. Sis feeling like we are?

Yeah but a little worse. Star is mad at her for some reason. Yesterday when she refused to shift, Star was doing it on purpose. She wanted Avery to feel some pain.

Some? Avery was in absolutely agonizing pain.

Star shifted before Avery would pass out. So you need to find out why Star was doing that to Avery.

Has Star healed her any?

Yes. Avery is feeling like she's on a real bad hang over.


I cut my mind link off with Stark. Letting my mind swarm with questions. Why would Star do that to Avery? I'm sure whatever Avery did to upset Star wasn't anything that bad. Maybe Star is just a bìtch. Nah that couldn't be why.

"Prince Adam? I have your breakfast." Amber said from behind my door.

Amber was one of the house maids. She's a human and her uncle sold her to my grandfather. Apparently her parents were killed during some kind of war, an her uncle didn't care much for her. You see from what Amber told me, her uncle was a druggie. He was sobering up with no money to get any more. So he sold Amber to get his habit taking care of.

It's sad really, for a family member to sell you. To completely strangers, royal creatures for that matter. Blood thirsty animals. My heart went out to Amber.

"Come in." I called.

Amber walked holding a silver tray. When she looked at me, I was being hypnotized with her light brown eyes. They seemed more gold then anything. Ambers nose was cute as a button. Her cheeks always flustered whenever she was around me.

The only thing I didn't understand is why Amber always wore her hair up in a neat tight bun. They're wasn't any rules saying maids had to keep their hair a certain way, they just had to have in a respected manor. She had beautiful hair. It went down just a little below her breast. Her hair was mostly black but you could see a little auburn mixed in. Some blonde high lights on top. She was just so beautiful.

"Prince?" She was frowning at me.

Nice one there dude.

Shut up Stark!

What? You were just staring at the girl. She was talking to you and you acted like a prík.

I didn't know she was talking to me! I yelled at Stark. He just snorted in response then left me alone.

I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked where would you like me to sit your food for you Prince." She looked down, avoiding looking me in the eyes.

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