The Other Connection

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Chapter Thirty Three

Jason's POV

"Is everything ready?" Elena asked.

"Yes." Zack replied.

"Okay let's do this." She replied smiling at her husband.


Avery's POV

Inside Maddy's mind it was dark. Everything was empty and no sound came from anywhere. I walked in the darkness until I felt Maddy's presence.

"Maddy?" I whispered.

No reply.

"Maddy?" I said.

No reply.

"Mad-" I yelled.

"Avery?" I heard her faintly.

"Maddy!" I ran towards her voice until I reached her.

"Ave." She called.

I grabbed her in a bear hug, she was cold as ice.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"So cold. So empty. Help me Avery please." She cried coughing harshly.

"I'm going to help you help yourself okay?"

She nodded coughing again, "What is wrong with me?"

"Your in some kind of transition."

"What do you mean?" She coughed harder.

"I can't explain it well, but your stuck between two different things an I don't know what it is." I replied defeated.


Jasons POV

"Why isn't it working?" I asked my sister.

"I don't know." She sighed rubbing her temple. "I don't understand why it isn't working!"

I held my daughters hand as my sister tried to connect with her.

Maddy began to move slightly, mumbling "Ave."

"Avery." I whispered.


Maddys POV

Having Avery with me reassured me that I wasn't dead.

"Maddy?" Avery looked at me.

I forced all my will into looking at her, "Huh?"

"I need you to listen closely okay?" She spoke and I made a small nod, "Do you have any idea what you could be stuck between? What you feel the need to choose?"

I thought over what she said.

"No." I crooked, my voice a scratchy itch.

"What could it possibly be...?" She spoke to herself out loud.

My skin started to warm and it was a peaceful feeling. Until I began to become over barred with heat.

"Avery, it burns." I cried a sob.

"What burns Maddy?" She looked worried and I had to admit I was as well.

"Throat." My voice horse, "Skin."

I rubbed my neck to try to sooth the burning in it. Suddenly Avery smiled and jumped up.

"That's it! Maddy I know what it is!!" She yelled happily.

"What?" I coughed hard, a icy sensation in my chest.

"You were born a werewolf." She grinned.

I think she's finally lost it.

"Avery are you okay?" I frowned.

"I'm perfectly fine!" She jumped up and down.

"Please explain," I coughed again. "It hurts to much to think and even worse to talk."

"You were born a werewolf but then when I b-"

Before she could finish she disappeared. I was left in the darkness of my head alone.

Avery's POV

"Avery?" Adam said.

"Damn it!" I jerked up from the bed. "I have to get back!"

"That's not going to happen..." Jake spoke up.

"What? I have to go back! I know what is wrong! I figured it out!" I yelled angrily.

"Mom is doing a spell to get in Maddy's head. You won't be able to get back until mom ends the spell." Adam explained.

"Shit!" I punched the soft bed underneath me.

Blades POV

Something told me to go to my mate. Pulling me and begging me to go to her.

Maybe she figured it out. Maybe she knows who I am.

Although the thought was appealing, I didn't think that is right. I walked from the forest and secretly made my way into the kingdom I knew so well. I let my feet guide me to my mate. Coming to a door that wasn't hers.

I listened closely to who was behind the door. Not hearing anything, I bursts into the room. But what my eyes seen completely took me by surprise.

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