Completley Shocked

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Chapter Eight

Pic of Lucas

I came back to myself. Waking up, my head felt dizzy. I tried to sit up but it made me feel worse. My eyes fluttered opened and my vision was fuzzy. Luckily my hearing seemed good. Better then good, I can hear everything around me. It was like my vampire an wolf side had became one.

I could hear many people in the room by their breathes. Inhaling and exhaling. I felt well rested surprisingly. I opened my eyes again able to see clear.

"Avery!" Adam came rushing over to me.

I looked around realizing I was in my bedroom. I felt the bed go down, from Adam sitting down next to me. I looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He frowned.

I tried to speak but my voice was scratchy and horse. I tapped at my throat to tell him I was thirsty. Adam nodded and handed me a glass of water. I gulped it down and appreciated my throat going back to normal.

"Avery can you speak?" Dad moved my hair that had fallen in my face.

My face showed my uncertainly, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Try." He pleaded.

"Ye-" My voice cracked an I cleared my throat to try again. "Yea...yeah."

"Thank goddess your okay." Mom sobbed rushing to hug me.

"You scared the shit out of us back there!" Adam mumbled. "Don't do that shit again."

"Language!" Mom snapped turning to me her face softened, "Avery hunny do you know what happened?"

"No." I coughed.

"Well you turned into a fairy." Adam laughed. "Pixie dust and wings all."

"She is not a fairy!" Mom snapped at Adam again. "And she doesn't have pixie dust."

Mom lectured and scolded at Adam. They went back and forth at one another. Mom telling him that was the biggest insult he had ever said to me, and somehow her. Adam saying he didn't mean anything bad.

"Dad what are they talking about?" My brows in a firm line.

"Can you stand?" Dad asked.

"Yeah." I stood up beside the bed.

Everyone watching me carefully ready for something bad to happen. I gave them a odd look. Dad walked me over to a mirror his hands cupped over my eyes.

"I'm going to remove my hands from your eyes. Okay?" Dad's voice was very cautious.

"Okay." I replied.

Dad removed his hands from my eyes. I looked at myself in the huge mirror. Dad was looking at me from behind. My hair had grew longer going to my hips, and seemed a little darker. My eyes were round and dilated. My skin was a creamy pale.

"Oh my Goddess!" I gasped.

They're were wings on my back!!! White wings with the tips of the feathers gold! I have wings!

"How-?" My voice trembled.

"You are the Angel of Life my beautiful daughter. You are apart of the Goddess realm as well as I." Mom stood behind me grinning. "Would you like to see mine?"

I nodded, feeling overwhelmed. Mom smiled softly then close her eyes. Her hands in front of her intwined. All of a sudden white wings spiraled from my moms back. Mine were similar to hers except the gold ends.

Angel's Blade #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now